EP 101: Mars enters Virgo + Jupiter returns to Aquarius

This week brings a reality check. Jupiter leaves the fantasy realm of Pisces and returns to intellectual Aquarius. While the Sun and Mercury will be opposing the planet of limits and boundaries, aka Saturn.

If you feel like the shift in energy is hard and fast, that’s because Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter are all changing signs this week!

You might be thinking, “this is really putting a damper on my Leo season party!” And you’d be correct. This is a week when you’re asked to take responsibility for your actions. Where have you slacked off?

But the Universe isn’t sending you up the creek without a paddle. The good news is Venus and Mars are in the sign of service and devotion. Ask yourself, “where do I need some support?” When you put the question out into the Universe, and ask around, you might find the coach, therapist, or accountability buddy that you need to help you put the plans in place to make your dreams come true.

You see, casting the vision is great, but implementation is what changes your life. If you want to dictate your fate you have to show up even when it feels boring, tedious, or tiresome. This is what Mars in Virgo teaches us, to not overlook the little details that need to be in order on our way to world domination.

With Mercury now in Leo everyone will have a hard time holding their tongue. With the planets of relating (Venus + Mars) in discerning, detailed, and, sometimes, persnickety Virgo - everyone has an opinion. Before you offer someone your advice or feedback, take a deep breath, and ask if they are open to it.

As predicted restrictions are back in style now that Jupiter is back in Aquarius. So be a good neighbor, Mars in Virgo motivates us all to take our health seriously. You know what I’m saying… Get the shot. Wear the mask. Be responsible. If you’re not, Saturn will know.

And if you have someone in your life who is resistant, try to have a heartfelt conversation. Shame and blame are not productive, even when we’re boiling over with rage. Which you might be this week with Mercury in fiery Leo!

I share a story on the podcast this week about a man I met at the farmer’s market doing vaccine education. As a volunteer, he spent a month having ongoing conversations with one family. With Jupiter back in the sign of humanitarianism and Mars and Venus in the sign of selfless devotion, I hope we all are inspired to show up with compassion for each other while looking out for the health of the whole community.


EP 102: New Moon in Leo


EP 100: Full Moon + the USA Pluto Return